Thank you for your interest in becoming a pilot and an officer in the Alaska Air National Guard!
Please reach out to us with questions.
Pilot Hiring Questions:
Every year, we host a single combined UPT Selection Board for both the 168th Wing (located at Eielson AFB in Fairbanks) and the 176th Wing (located at JB Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage) . The combined Selection Board normally meets at JBER in the fall each year to interview selected applicants.
2024 UPT applications will be accepted beginning 15 April 2024 through 30 June 2024. Applications must be postmarked no later than 30 June 2024, or hand delivered to the 168th Operations Group by close of business on 30 June 2024 to be considered.
*Late and/or incomplete packages will not be considered.
*Please follow the updated application instructions below.
2024 UPT Selection Board dates: 28 October-01 November 2024. The first day will be a meet-and-greet, followed by approximately four days of interviews. Applicants selected for an interview will be given the exact itinerary asap. The location for the UPT Selection Board will be the 176th Wing at JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Anchorage, AK. Please note, all expenses including travel and meals are the responsibility of the applicant.
Application Instructions
Your application package should include these items in the following order:
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- AF Form 241, 2
- AF Form 20302
- Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) scores3
- TBAS & PCSM Scores3
- One consolidated college transcript (unofficial OK)
- Private pilot's license (highly recommended, but not mandatory)
- Copy of last page of log book
- Department of Motor Vehicles driver's record
- Current letters of recommendation (5 maximum)
- Electronic copy of application on a CD.4
In addition, applications from prior/current military members should also include:
- DD Form 214 for prior military
- Last 5 OPRs/EPRs as applicable
- Personnel Report (RIP) or equivalent
1 Complete AF Form 24 blocks: 3-8, 10-12, 14, 17-29, 31, 33 (if required), and signature/date
2 Forms available at
3 Contact your local Air Force/Air National Guard/Air Force Reserve Recruiting office for information on testing
4 Electronic copy format: ONE SINGLE FILE PDF on a CD, identical to the hard copy (black-and-white is fine) 10MB or less. Please be sure the electronic file is scanned in the correct order and the pages are oriented correctly. The electronic file is what the Selection Board will see, only the UPT Board coordinator will view the hard copy.
It is preferred that hard copies be printed on both sides on normal weight paper and submitted loose (not bound) in a pocket folder, thank you!
Submit applications via Mail or hand-delivery to:
17470 Airlifter Dr Rm 308
JBER, AK 99506
Application process: Submitted applications will be used to determine if the applicant meets the minimum criteria to meet and interview with Selection Board. (Applications become the property of the Alaska Air National Guard to be retained or properly disposed of at our discretion.)
The top applicants will be invited to meet the combined UPT Selection Board for a formal interview. The UPT Selection Board will then select applicants to attend UPT as primary candidates, as well as at least one alternate candidate, for each aircraft within the AKANG (HC-130J, C-17, KC-135 & HH-60).
Candidates should expect pilot training to begin two fiscal years beyond the selection board year, to account for the amount of time it takes to join the AKANG and complete the prerequisites. (I.e. in general, the upcoming 2024 Board will select for UPT training slots in fiscal year 2026.)
If a primary candidate becomes unable or ineligible to attend UPT, then an alternate candidate will be offered the slot. If the alternate candidate has not been offered a slot prior to the next year’s selection board, then he/she will need to apply again to be considered for the next year.
Please direct all questions/correspondence to: and/or
AGE/TFCS info:
Recently the Air Force has changed the age restriction to attend UPT via a Memorandum for Record which will be incorporated into AFI 36-2105: “Only individuals who are beyond their 33rd birthday and/or have greater than 8 years of total federal commissioned service…require an exception-to-policy to be considered...this guidance is intended to increase the eligible pool of candidates from all commissioning sources and Total Force UFT boards.”